Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Golden Rule

What compells people to cheat or lie? What kind of satisfaction does it fulfill? Is it the adrenaline? Is it the chance you take that you MIGHT get caught and you like the risk. I was reading in my Psychology book last week about relationships and it mentioned something along the lines that most people in a relationship often fantasize about having sexual activity with someone other than their partner. WOW. That will make you feel insecure. I guess it goes for both women/men, but the percentages definetely lead in the mens favor. Why is this world so corrupted in the relationship aspect? Our divorce rate is already off the charts high.  No wonder women get breast implants or starve themselves and men actually believe that penis enlargement devices work. Why do people that are so unhappy remain in their miserable relationships?

In the past 3 days, I've talked with two girls. Both of different ages and both experiencing difficulties in their relationships right now. Both have proven they crave the desire to be fought for. They want to see the actions to be taken, the suffering, the pain and the chase the man will do for them. If you break up with someone and they respond back "OK, well if thats how you feel and want" how is that supposed to make you feel? They don't have enough feelings to chase after you or make it work? Why are womens standards or expectations in a relationship so different than men? Women solely need to trust their instinct and use it wisely. If every woman did that, we would not have such a strong stereotype on ourselves.

Love is an experience to be lived without fear of taking risks, to surpass any inability to cry or laugh, and to give a piece of your heart to someone and expect that given piece of theirs to complete your given half. Like a puzzle. In Kindergarden we are taught to "Do to others as you would like them to do to you"... "The Golden Rule"... where in life do we begin to lose the respect or the purpose in that?

Ridiculous, inconvienent, consuming, cant live without eachother, until the end, love....

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